Finding Your Family’s True North Through Shared Values

When we’re clear on our values, this can help us to focus on what truly matters. Especially within our families, getting clear on values can inform everything we do: from how we choose to spend our time to how we navigate rules and discipline. 

Guiding values can also evolve into a family mission statement. In her book Teach Your Children Well, Madeline Levine’s recipe for creating a mission statement is as follows (with older children, this process can be done collaboratively):

  1. Identify the values that are most important to you

  2. Choose 3 - 5 of these values that you feel will support authentic success

    • Remember that you get to define success, and there is no right or wrong

  3. Write a simple statement or motto that reflects these values

  4. Discuss the statement during your next family meeting - does everyone agree?

    • Adjust as necessary

  5. Start using the mission statement within your family: maybe when you need inspiration or an extra boost, when you say goodbye in the morning, or when someone has a hard day

  6. Allow space for the statement to grow and evolve as your family does

The intentionality of shared values and a family mission statement can provide us with a true north by offering a deeper sense of purpose and reminding our family of what we believe is most important, during both the calm seasons and the rougher seasons that we will experience together.


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