Field Notes
Written by Rachel Poirier
Recharging After School
Just like a phone that needs a recharge, our kids’ EF batteries can also be topped up.
How to Strengthen Brains for Learning
Just like muscles grow stronger with repetition and challenge, so do brains.
Building Resilient, Problem-Solving Kids at Home
Skill-building takes time, practice, and plenty of supportive feedback.
Connection Before Correction
Connecting with our children before we correct their behavior serves as a touchpoint.
Breathe Into Conference Season
Stay centered as we move through potentially tricky discussions in the weeks ahead.
Organizing For Calm
Minds tend to rest more calmly in organized spaces, so this is a practice worth pursuing.
When Worry Creeps In, Try These Steps
It’s ok to listen and sit with our children in their discomfort instead of rescuing or fixing.
Tips for the Transition Back to School
Greet the school year in a more confident and connected way.
Midsummer Freedoms
The arrival of midsummer can be greeted as a reminder and as an opportunity.
Setting Summer Intentions
As we close the chapter on this school year and look ahead to summer, we’re offered the opportunity to create intentionality around how we’d like our family to experience this upcoming season together.
Making Gratitude A Family Affair
The habit of feeling grateful is something that grows over time with practice and repeated opportunities, and isn’t something that we’re born with.
Sowing The Seeds Of Self-Compassion
Kids, just like grownups, need the resource of self-compassion.
Holding Space Before Rushing In
As we strive to nurture and deepen the connection with our children, an essential phrase to use is “tell me more”.
Building Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries, also known as limits or rules, broadly define how we expect our children to behave.
Navigating Disappointment
From friends to grades to sports, letdowns will come in many shapes and sizes throughout childhood.
Intentionality In The New Year And Beyond
Change is always possible and we are all a work in progress, even beyond the resolute month of January.
Finding Your Family’s True North Through Shared Values
When we’re clear on our values, this can help us to focus on what truly matters.
What To Do With Guilt
Guilt will occur naturally within the spectrum of human emotions, and we can intentionally acknowledge it and work to shift future behaviors in a more positive direction.